A Cesare ciò che è di Cesare, a Dio ciò che è di Dio (a proposito del dialogo tra Papa Francesco ed Eugenio Scalfari)

A Cesare ciò che è di Cesare, a Dio ciò che è di Dio (a proposito del dialogo tra Papa Francesco ed Eugenio Scalfari)

5.00 CHF


The work offers a reflection about the correspondence and the dialogue between Eugenio Scalfari and Pope Francis, with a particular attention to the main theme of the passage in St. Matthew’s Gospel «give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God». The answer given by Christ to the question about tax, apparently, is only skimmed over by the two interlocutors, but II Vatican Council’s teachings can be clearly seen (Gaudium and Spes n° 76) in what Pope affirms. This interpretation represents the relationships between the State and the Church in the last 50 years, and Francis himself, since the first months of his pontiff, seems to bring it to further and creative developments.